Hangai Seiju Chronological Record


Year Age Event
1858 0 Born in Oi, Odaka.
1866 8 Entered Kinsho Temple.
1872 14 Began apprenticeship in a store in Haramachi.
1875 17 Entered school of Nishikoori Bango.
1876 18 Entered Miharu Shihan School (Fukushima Shihan School).
1877 19 Served as instructor in Adachi District.
1879 21 Returned to Odaka, began sake brewing and sales industry.
1881 23 Began an agricultural consultation association, worked to spread the use of dry paddy fields.
1884 26 Organized a silkworm consultation association. Embarked on the promotion of the silk farming industry in order to manufacture silk thread, which had risen in the world of foreign trade as a popular textile for creating patterns. Established a silkworm raising laboratory in Oi, Odaka. Visited Takahashi Kyuemon in Date Domain and engaged in on-site research.
1885 27 Became member of the Fukushima Prefectural Assembly.
1886 28 Became close friends with Matsukata Masayoshi and Amenomiya Keijiro. Established the Soma Textile Company in Odaka.
1888 30 Published “Principles of Silkworm Raising” (養蚕原論, Yousan Genron).
1889 31 Published “The Art of Silkworm Raising” (養蚕術, Yousanjutsu).
1892 34 Self-published works such as “To All the Businessmen in Society” (天下の実業家諸君に告ぐ, Tenka no Jitugyouka Shokun ni Tsugu) and “Plan for Harmony Between Government and the People” (官民調和策, Kanmin Chouwa Saku).
1893 35 Visited Matsukata Masayoshi and filed a complaint based on the state of affairs in Soma, which had fallen into a severe recession. He planned to borrow 100,000 yen and use it to break the recession slump.
1894 36 The purchasing of land for the establishment of the Joban train line began, and was often under attack.
1897 39 Temporarily reconciled with Nippon Railway with mediation by Amenomiya Keijiro.
Organized the Odaka Industry Association and mobilized the young people of Odaka.
1898 40 Charged regarding his interference in the buy-out of land meant for establishing the Joban train line. Placed under custody awaiting judgement for 8 months. Lost sight in his right eye from an eye disease during that time.
Devoted his efforts to the opening of the Joban train line, the opening of Odaka Station, the establishment of Odaka Bank, the cultivation of soft rush, and the planning and training for the Soma rush mat weaving industry.
1901 43 Embarked on the cultivation of Yonomori as a new model for developing agricultural communities.
1906 48 Published representative book called “The Future Tohoku” (将来之東北, Shourai no Touhoku).
1912 54 Focused his efforts on the founding of Iwaki Mizuden Co., Ltd.
Began candidacy bid in the Constitutional Nationalist Party, became a member of the Lower House, and began his first term.
1913 55 Founded the Odaka Powdered Silver Factory.
1915 58 Stood as candidate in the Association of Allies of the Constitution, began second term.
1918 60 Stood as candidate in the Constitutional Politics Association, began third term.
1929 71 Presented “Research on an Agricultural Japan” (農日本の研究, Nou Nippon no Kenkyuu).
Devoted himself to the completion of “職業宗” (Shokugyoushuu) (published posthumously) from then on.
1932 74 Passed away on February 16.



教育委員会 生涯学習課 埴谷・島尾記念文学資料館







