Seasonal Influenza Information


Seasonal Influenza is Spreading!

Influenza, spread by the influenza virus, starts to become more prevalent around December every year.

Let’s do our best to get correct information and aim for vaccinations/early treatment.

Influenza Vaccinations

If you get vaccinated against influenza, your chances of catching it decrease and, if you do catch it, vaccinations have shown results in preventing serious symptoms.

(NOTE) You may still get influenza, even if vaccinated.

Cough Etiquette to Prevent the Spread of Germs

Please wear a mask as much as possible when coughing or sneezing.

  • When choosing a mask make sure that it is sized appropriately for your face and suits your skin.
  • Stock up on masks!

After Going Outside – Washing Hands and Gargling

After going outside and before meals, wash your hands thoroughly and gargle. When washing your hands, make sure to use soap and warm water. In addition, disinfection with hand sanitizer is also effective.

  • Trim your nails before washing your hands.
  • Remember to remove your watches and rings!

Day-to-Day Health Management

If your immune system is weak it is easier for you to catch influenza, and it’s possible that you may exhibit serious symptoms. Try to get enough sleep and maintain a well-balanced diet to boost your immunity.

If you find yourself wondering, “Is it influenza?”

  1. If your condition worsens, please see a doctor.
  2. Please rest. It is especially important to get enough sleep.
  3. Rehydrate. It's okay if you want to drink tea or soup.
  4. Avoid crowds and going out. In addition, do not force yourself to go to school or work.

Everyone should be careful in taking appropriate measures to prevent the spread of influenza.

Information Regarding Influenza (Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare)


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