November is Child Abuse Prevention Promotion Month


Child abuse is a problem that society needs to solve as a whole.

~「Dial 189 - It’s now or never with a small life.」~

What is child abuse?

Physical Abuse

Striking, kicking, beating, throwing down, shaking violently, burning, drowning, etc.

Sexual Abuse

Using sexual behavior towards children, showing sexual behavior, showing pornography, etc.


Locking them out of the house, refusing them food, not washing them, leaving them inside the car, not taking them to the hospital despite being seriously ill, etc.

Physiological Abuse

Verbal threats, ignoring, discriminatory treatment among children, violence against family members in front of children (domestic violence: DV), etc.

Have you noticed these signs?


  • The child is always crying and/or the guardian is always shouting angrily
  • They have unnatural scars or bruises
  • Their body or clothes are always dirty
  • They are restless and violent
  • They don’t express themselves or lack vitality
  • They always stay alone outside of the house until late at night


  • They are very isolated and don’t interact with the community
  • They leave their young children alone inside of the house
  • They are in denial or indifferent / have strong anxiety and worries about raising children
  • They have unnatural explanations for scars or wounds on their children

Lets expand child-rearing without corporal punishment!

Corporal punishment of children has been prohibited by the law since April 1st, 2020.

The purpose of discipline is to develop the personality and talents of children and support them so that they can lead an autonomous social life. Therefore, it is necessary to convey what to do in a way that the child can understand, such as by using words and examples, instead of corporal punishment.

Why can’t I use corporal punishment?

It has been scientifically proven that repeated corporal punishment can have a number of adverse effects on a child's physical and mental growth and development.

Do you do any of following?

You hit their cheek because no matter how many times you told them to do something, they didn’t hear what was said

You made them sit upright for long periods of times because they fooled around

You didn’t give them dinner because they didn’t do their homework

All corporal punishment = abuse.

Consultation Window

Abuse is an act that should never be done, but there are families who are having trouble raising children and needs child-rearing support. Working on child-rearing support throughout the region is connected to prevention and early detection of abuse.

There are children who could be saved by your letting someone know. If you think a child may be abused, please contact the consultation windows below.

Fukushima Prefecture Hama Children's Consultation Center, Minamisoma Consultation Room


Minamisoma Children’s Home Division, Children’s General Consultation Room


If you dial 189, you will be connected to the nearest children’s consultation center.


こども未来部 こども家庭課 こども総合相談室







